Glossary and Acronym Definitions
F Fahrenheit; fast; longitude factor; phase correction (altitude); fixed (light)
f latitude factor., flattening or ellipticity.
F.Fl. fixed and flashing.
FAI Fertiliser Association of India
FAQ Fair Average Quality
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBT Fringe Benefit Tax
FBTR Fast Breeder Test Reactor
FBW Fly -by-wire
FCCB Foreign Currency Convertible Bond
FCI Food Corporation of India; Fertilizer Corporation of India
FCNR Foreign Currency Non-Resident (Bank accounts)
FCNRA Foreign Currency non-resident Accounts
FCRA Foreign Contribution Regulation Act
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
FDS Fire Dynamics Simulator
FE finite element
FEA finite element analysis
FEM finite element model
FEMA Foreign Exchange management Act
FERA Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
FHRAI Federation of Hotel and Restaurant Association of India
FICCI Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
FIDE Federation Internationale d’Echecs
FIE Foreign Investment Enterprises
FII Foreign Institutional Investors
FIPB Foreign Investment Promotion Board
FIRE Fully Integrated robotised engine
FIRE (D) Financial Institutions Reform & Expansion Project Debt Market Component
Fl. flashing (light).
Fl. (2) group flashing (light).
Fl. (2+1) composite group flashing (light).
FLC Foreign Legal Consultant
FM frequency modulation.
fm(s) fathom(s).
FMC Forward Markets commission
FMCG Fast Moving Consumer Goods
FMCT Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty
FMDC Facility Management Development Company
FMI Flood Method of Irrigation
fob free on board
Fog Det. fog detector.
FogSig. fog signal.
FPO Fruit Products Order
FRBM Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management
FRC Filipinos Resource Centre
FRCP Fellow of the Royal college of Physicians
FRCS Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
FRRO Foreigners Regional Registration Office
FRS Fellow of the Royal Society
FSI Fire-Structure Interface; Foreign Service Institute;
ft. foot, feet.
FTC fast time constant.
FTII films and Television Institute of India
FTM Fast Track Mechanism
FVM Finite Volume Method
FYI for your information
FYP Five Year Plan