Glossary and Acronym Definitions
B atmospheric pressure correction (altitude); bearing, bearing angle.
B2B Business to Business
B2C Business to Consumer
BAIF Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation
BARC Bhabha Atomic Research Centere
BAT best available technology
BC Benefit Cost
BCCI Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry
BCG Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (anti-TB vaccine)
BCM Billion Cubic Metres
Bdy Mon boundary monument.
BEAG The Bombay Environment Action Group
BEE Bureau of Energy Efficiency
BEL Bharat Electronics Limited
BENELUX Belgium, Nether-lands and Luxembourg
BEST BrihanMumbai Electric Supply and Transportation
BFO beat frequency oscillator.
BHEL Bharat Heavy Electric-cals Ltd.
bhp break horsepower
BIA business impact assessment
BIFR Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
BIH Bureau Internationale de l’Heure.
BIMSTEC Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand Economic Cooperation
BIPM International Bureau of Weights and Measures.
BIS Bank of International Settlement; Bureau of Indian Standards
bk broken.
bkw breakwater.
bl blue.
BM bench mark.
BMC BrihanMumbai Municipal Corporation
BMRDA BrihanMumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
BMW Bio Medical Waste
Bn beacon.
-bn- billion
BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
BOD5 idem at 5 days
BOT Build-operate-transfer
BPAT Building Performance Assessment Team
BPE Bureau of Public Enterprises
Bpgc bearing per gyrocompass.
BPO Business Process Outsourcing
BPS Bytes per second; Building Performance Study
bq bequerel
br breakers.
Brg. bearing (as distinguished from bearing angle).
BRICSAM Brazil, Russia, India, China, S. Africa and Maxico
BRO Border Roads Organisation
BRPSE Board for Reconstruction of Public Sector Enterprises
BSE Bombay Stock Exchange
BSES Bombay Suburban Electric Supply
BSNL Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
bu blue.