Biology Questions: Paper - 11

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Biology Model Question Paper - 11



A plant cell becomes turgid due to
(A) Plasmolysis
(B) Exosmosis
(C) Endosmosis
(D) Electrolysis

Answer: (C)


A person is suffering from frequent episodes of nasal discharge nasal congestion, reddening of eyes and watery eyes. These are the symptoms of
(A) Bronchitis
(B) Rhinitis
(C) Bronchial carcinoma
(D) Cyanosis

Answer: (B)


A man is admitted to a hospital. He is suffering from an abnormally low body temperature, loss of appetite and extreme thirst. His brain scan would probably show a tumor in
(A) Pons
(B) Cerebellum
(C) Hypothalamus
(D) Medulla Oblongata

Answer: (C)


A RBC and a plant cell (with thick cell wall) are placed in distilled water. The solute concentration is the same in both the cells. What changes would be observed in them?
(A) The RBC would increase in size and burst while the plant cell would remain about the same size.
(B) The plant cell would increase in size and burst while the RBC would remain about the same size.
(C) Both plant cell and RBC would decrease in size and collapse.
(D) Both plant cell and RBC would not undergo any change.

Answer: (A)


In which stage of the first meiotic division two sister chromatids are formed?
(A) Leptotene
(B) Zygotene
(C) Pachytene
(D) Diplotene

Answer: (C)


In the absence of enterokinase, the digestion of _______ would be affected in our intestine.
(A) Amino acid
(B) Albumin
(C) Starch
(D) Maltose

Answer: (B)


In the absence of acrosome, the sperm _______.
(A) cannot get energy
(B) cannot penetrate the egg
(C) cannot swim
(D) cannot get food

Answer: (B)


In genetic fingerprinting, the ‘probe’ refers to _______.
(A) a radioactively labelled single stranded RNA molecule.
(B) a radioactively labelled single stranded DNA molecule.
(C) a radioactively labelled double stranded DNA molecule.
(D) a radioactively labelled double stranded RNA molecule.

Answer: (B)


In genetic code, 61 codons code for 20 different types of amino acids. This is called
(A) Colinearity
(B) Commaless
(C) Degeneracy
(D) Nonambiguity

Answer:  (C)


In crop improvement programmes, virus-free clones can be obtained through
(A) Hybridization
(B) Embryo culture
(C) Shoot apex culture
(D) Grafting

Answer: (C)


In C4 pathway, the CO2 fixation in mesophyll cells is carried out by the enzyme _______.
(A) Rubisco
(B) PEP carboxylase
(C) Pyruvate decarboxylase
(D) Pyruvate dehydrogenase

Answer: (B)


In an experiment demonstrating the evolution of oxygen in Hydrilla, Sodium bicarbonate is added to water in the experimental set-up. What would happen if all other conditions are favourable?
(A) Amount of oxygen evolved increases as the availability of carbon dioxide increases.
(B) Amount of oxygen evolved decreases as the availability of carbon dioxide increases.
(C) Amount of oxygen evolved increases as carbon dioxide in Water is absorbed by sodium bicarbonate.
(D) Amount of oxygen evolved decreases as carbon dioxide in water is absorbed by sodium bicarbonate.

Answer: (A)


In a typical Mendelian cross which is a dihybrid cross, one parent is homozygous for both dominant traits and another parent is homozygous for both recessive traits. In the f2 generation, both parental combinations and recombinations appear. The phenotypic ratio of parental combinations to recombinations is ________.
(A) 10 : 6
(B) 12 : 4
(C) 9 : 7
(D) 15 : 1

Answer:  (A)


In a typical heart, if EDV is 120 ml of blood and ESV is 50 ml of blood, the stroke volume (SV) is
(A) 120 – 50 = 70 ml
(B) 120 + 50 = 170 ml
(C) 120 ´ 50 = 6000 ml
(D) 120 ÷ 50 = 2.4 ml

Answer:  (A)


In a tissue culture media, the resource of the phytohormone is
(A) Agar agar
(B) Glucose
(C) Micronutrients
(D) Coconut milk

Answer:  (D)