Glossary and Acronym Definitions
N north; nun.
n natural (trigonometric function).
n. mi. nautical mile(s).
N2O nitrous oxide
Na nadir.
NAAQM National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Programme
NABARD National Agricultural Bank for Rural Development
NAD North American Datum.
NAGRIND Non Agriculture Related industries
NAI net annual increment (forestry)
NALCO National Aluminium Company
Nas negotiated agreements
NAS- net additions to stock
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
NASCO North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NAUTO nautophone.
NAVINFONET Navigation Information Network.
NAVSAT Navy Navigation Satellite System.
NAVSSI navigation sensor system interface.
NBDP narrow band direct printing.
NBFCs Non Banking Financial Institutions
NBS National Bureau of Standards.
NCD Non-Convertible Debenture
NCMP National Common Minimum Programme
NCPA National Centre for Performing Arts
NCR National Capital Region
NCS network coordination station.
NCU National Commission on Urbanisation
NDDP Net District Domestic Product
NDP Net Domestic Product
NEAC National Environment Awareness Campaign
NEAFC North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission
NEC Not Elsewhere Classified
NEHAPS national environmental and health action plans
NEP New Economic Policy
NESS National Earth Satellite Service.
NFC National Fire College
NFHS National Family Health Survey
NFS Non Farm Sector
ng/g nanogramme per gramme
Ng/l nanogramme per litre
NGO non-governmental organisation
NGVD National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
NH National Highways
NH3 ammonia
NHAI National Highways Authority of India
NHDP National Highway Development Programme
NHx ammonium plus ammonia
NIA Net Irrigated Area
NIC Natal Indian Congress
NIEs New Industrial Economies
NIETE National Institute of Industrial Engineering.
NIPFP National Institute of Public Finance and Policy
NIRD National Institute of Rural Development
NIUA National Institute of Urban Affairs
NLC National Labour Commission
NLT not less than (used with danger bearing).
NM nautical mile, miles; notice to mariners.
NMEA National Marine Electronics Association.
NMT not more than (used with danger bearing).
NMVOC non-methane volatile organic compounds
NNSS Navy Navigation Satellite System.
NO2 nitrogen dioxide
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
NOC No Objection Certificates
NORKA Non-Resident Keralites Association
NORKWA Non-Resident Keralites Welfare Agency
NOS National Ocean Service.
Nox nitrogen oxides
NPA Non Practicing Allowance
NPAs Non Performing Assets
NPC National People’s Congress
NPK Nitrogen Phosphate Potassium
NPL National Physical Laboratory
NPW Net Present Worth
NRE Non-Resident External (Bank accounts)
NREP National Rural Employment Programme
NRF National Renewal Fund
NRG Non-Resident Gujaratis
NRI Non Resident Indians
NRK Non-Resident Keralite
NRML new relative movement line.
NRNR Non-Resident Non-Repatriable (Deposit scheme accounts)
NRO Non-Resident Ordinary (Accounts)
NRSR Non-Resident Special Rupee (Bank accounts)
NSA Net Sown Area
NSDP Net State Domestic Product
NSF National Science Foundation
NSS National Sample Survey
NSSO National Sample Survey Organisation
NtM notice to mariners.
NTPC National Thermal Power Corporation
NUS Non Unionised Supervisors
NWDB National Wasteland Development Board
NWDPRA National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Agriculture
NWP National Water Policy
NWS National Weather Service.