Glossary and Acronym Definitions
h altitude (astronomical); height above sea level; hours.
H.W.F.&C. high water full and change.
ha apparent altitude.
HAL Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
HAZ heat affected zone
HB Hard Black (Pencil)
HBCL Haffkine Bio Pharmaceutical Corporation Limited
HBV Hepatitis-B Virus
Hc computed altitude; Hydrocarbons
Hdg. heading.
HDI Human Development Index
HDML Hyper Devices Mark-up Lanaugage
HE heeling error; height of eye.
HF high frequency.
hf height above sea level in feet.
HHW higher high water.
HHWI higher high water interval.
HIV Human Immunodeficiency virus
Hk hulk.
HLC High Level Committee on the Indian Diaspora
HLW higher low water.
HLWI higher low water interval.
hm height above sea level in meters.
HMESC Handicraft Marketing and Extension Service Centre
HMT Hindustan Machine Tools
HMV Heavy Motor Vehicle
Ho observed altitude.
HoD Head of Department
HOM Head of Mission
Hor horizontal.
Hor Cl horizontal clearance.
HP horizontal parallax; Hectare
Hp precomputed altitude.
Hp stg c heading per steering compass.
Hpgc heading per gyrocompass.
HPI Human Poverty Index
HPPC High Power Pay Committee
Hpsc heading per standard compass.
hr rectified (apparent) altitude.
hr. hour, hrs., hours.
HRA House Rent Allowance
HRD Human Resource Development
HRPT High Resolution Picture Transmission
HRR heat release rate
hs sextant altitude.
HSD high speed data; high speed diesel
HSRRSS High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Satellite
HT High Tension
ht tabulated altitude;
HT/LT High Tension / Low Tension
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
HTR High Temperature Reactor
http Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HUDCO Housing and Urban Development Corporation
HV High Voltage
HVAC heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
HVNET High speed VSAT network
HW high water; Hazardous Waste
HWI high water interval, mean high water lunitidal interval.
HWQ tropic high water inequality.
HYV High Yielding Varieties
Hz Hertz.